My goals for the WordCount Blogathon are twofold. Primarily, I am going to write about Laura Ingalls Wilder’s homesites — the places she lived throughout her life — and provide tips and general information about traveling to and between them. As each ebook is released, I’ll provide information on them and a place where those who want to buy them can do so.
My second goal is to learn. I’ve been blogging on and off since 2003 and for the past few years have participated in the maintenance of the blog of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association, Beyond Little House. But my knowledge of WordPress is just on the level of keeping myself out of trouble. I have a lot to learn. So for the next 27 days, don’t be surprised by change. I may switch out the theme so it looks different than you’re used to. I’ll be adding and subtracting widgets on the sidebar. I may muck around with fonts and photos. Pages will be appearing everywhere, usually with announcements, sometimes not. I’ll be embracing change, day after day.
If I do everything right, I will have a robust and fully functional Web site, complete with blog and options for ebook purchasing, by June 1.
I’ll also be working to integrate this site more fully with the Facebook page for Little House Travel and the Twitter feed.
You can help. Let me know what you’d like to see. Ask a question. Suggest an idea. I’m all ears, and I’m all about experimenting until June 1.